PORTS Site Reindustrialization Resources
Based upon the community preferences for possible future-uses voting results in the final PORTSfuture Report, this task focuses on integrating the results of the public preference voting with the overall plan for the future of the site. These activities are integrated and coordinated with DOE, SSAB, site contractors, SODI, and any STEM initiatives that OU executes in relation to the grant.
Under this task, OU is part of a collaborative team engaged in a data-driven process to identify viable industries to target for site reuse and identify marketing tools aimed at potential future users at PORTS. These tools might include presentations, videos, brochures, online resources, and other media that have been successfully utilized in other development initiatives. Topics to be addressed may include, but not be limited to, short-term and long-term development opportunities that can occur in coordination with the D&D project, a time-phased depiction of when property transfer from the department to the community can occur (including maps and schedules), and the comparative advantage of low-cost property for industries in comparison to costs of similar property elsewhere. The unique assets that exist at PORTS will be illustrated, including:
– Access to wholesale power market.
– On-site/local access to major highway/rail systems.
– Accessibility to excellent water resources.
– Central location in United States.
– Geological stability.
Principal Investigators
Stephanie Howe