Designed to encourage regional students to learn about and engage in activities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines with the goal of encouraging students to pursue careers in these in-demand fields that provide well-paying employment opportunities.

ASER Student
Summary (1-13 years)

OU has sponsored and helped to develop an Annual Site Environmental Report (ASER) Summary utilizing staff and students from  local high schools. This ASER Summary has been tailored after a similar report produced by DOE’s Oak Ridge Operations…


The Voinovich School is utilizing funding from the AEP Foundation and from the US DOE PORTSfuture Program to launch STEM camps and other STEM initiatives.


Developing and Supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth Opportunities That Are Environmentally Sustainable at the PORTS…


STEM activities developed by OU are offered onsite in classrooms in Pike, Scioto, Ross, and Jackson counties. We have created a body of work around renewable energy and the Internet of Things/smart technology, with other topics…