Groundwater: Site-Wide Groundwater Model Review and Verification and Regulatory Requirement Review

OU performed a review of the current site-wide groundwater model for the PORTS site. After review and verification of the current site-wide groundwater model, OU used the site-wide groundwater model in conjunction with georeferenced historical sampling data to investigate:

1) Surface water – groundwater interaction on site, specifically focused on the effects of operating pump and treat systems; 2) Site-wide fate and transport of groundwater contamination in the subsurface, focusing on inorganic chemical and radionuclide contamination; and 3) Interaction between DOE pump-and-treat wells and private wells offsite. Concurrent with the aforementioned review and verification of the groundwater model, OU conducted a review of regulatory requirements for cleanup of groundwater at Brownfield sites across the state of Ohio, specifically focusing on required cleanup levels in relation to background groundwater quality.

Conclusions from the review of regulatory requirements were used to examine suitability of cleanup decisions, including cleanup levels for groundwater, made at DOE sites in Ohio. The task team evaluated potentially ecologically significant secondary problems associated with PORTS site remediation, thereby providing information that allowed DOE to minimize resource damages or remediate damages.

Principal Investigators

Dr. Natalie Kruse and Jennifer Bowman


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