Development and Publishing of a PORTS Annual Site Environmental Report Summary (ASER 13)
Ohio University’s PORTSfuture project sponsored and helped to develop an Annual Site Environmental Report (ASER) Summary in collaboration with staff and students from Eastern Hike School in Pike County, Ohio and Northwest High School in Scioto County, Ohio during the 2023–2024 academic year. This ASER Summary was modeled after a similar report produced by DOE’s Oak Ridge Operations.
The ASER Summary was drawn from information found in the most recent DOE technical ASER released publicly by PORTS and presentation materials developed by the high school staff and students throughout the school year. The goals when producing the ASER Summary were to educate regional high school students about activities and future career opportunities at the PORTS site and to develop materials that will facilitate area residents learning more about DOE’s work at the PORTS site.
Project Milestones/Tasks Deliverables include:
– Student Summary
– Video documentary
Principal Investigators
Dr. Jacob White
Eastern Hike School in Pike County, Ohio and Northwest High School in Scioto County, Ohio, 2023–2024 academic year
The ASER Project – ASER 13